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Scaling Your Sales Team: 5 Massive Mistakes

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 13, 2017

Sales force sizing is an integral aspect of a best-in-class sales team. Optimized headcount maximizes revenue while limiting inefficiencies within the sales organization. However, this important process doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Executive teams usually choose to expand and scale their sales teams when they’re responding to or anticipating a significant shift, such as major

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How the Best Sales Reps Spend Their Free Time [Video]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 7, 2017

Top performing salespeople conduct themselves differently. They are just as disciplined and committed to achieving their goals inside the office, as they are at home. While an average sales rep may only be committed to success Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, A-players seize opportunity for success 24/7. While unplugging at the end of the day

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21 Reasons Why Your Best Sales Reps Are Leaving [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 31, 2017

Top performing sales reps are rare — making up only 10-15% of the sales industry workforce — and, they are highly sought after. In order to remain competitive, it is essential that companies implement effective strategies to keep their top talent. However, research shows that the voluntary turnover rate for salespeople (15.9 percent) is higher than the

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Sales Force Sizing in New Markets: The Ultimate Guide

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 16, 2017

When entering a new market, the right sized salesforce will make or break whether the go-to-market strategy is effectively executed. Hiring too many reps drains resources and limits the success of salespeople by over saturating the market. Not enough ‘feet-on-the-street’ means that a company will lag compared to its competitors, failing to grow during its pivotal

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7 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Sales Job [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 13, 2016

Within the averaged 118 applications, you were among the 20% selected for an interview. But, you didn’t get the sales job. While it can be extremely frustrating when you fail to close your dream job, understanding the reasons behind your prospective employer’s decision is crucial to your success in future interviews.  That’s why at Peak, we