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How to Close Your Top Sales Candidate

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 28, 2016

The following is an excerpt from The Bridge Group’s latest eBook – The Sales Hiring Hourglass. Take a look at some of the most highly rated employers on Glassdoor, and you’ll notice a common thread: their interview processes are lean. Many run, from soup to nuts, in just two weeks. If you want A-players to

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Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Sales Interview [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 27, 2016

If you want to land your dream job, interview preparation is key. In fact, research indicates only 5% of hiring managers would still consider a candidate who demonstrated they had little to no knowledge of the role they’re interviewing for. And, since the best sales interview processes are structured to ensure consistency and objectivity in the hiring process,

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Handling Counter Offers when Sales Recruiting

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 21, 2016

Having to deal with counter offers is one of the most difficult challenges facing successful companies looking to grow and attract great talent. Great employees are hard to find, highly sought after and almost always gainfully employed. No employer wants to lose people like this without a fight, so when an employer learns that one of the their

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Didn’t Get the Sales Job? Here Are 10 Reasons Why

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 20, 2016

In today’s hyper-competitive sales hiring landscape, the interview process can quickly become a daunting and drawn out process. Candidates are required to complete multiple interviews, behavioral assessments, and  psychometric testing. While it’s frustrating when you don’t get the sales job, understanding why you didn’t is your path to future success. Key Takeaways? Know your numbers, come prepared, and

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Common Denominators of Top Sales Organizations

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 16, 2016

If you had the opportunity to survey a wide range of top sales organizations and the top performers that support their winning sales teams, you’d find some steady trends. Top organizations are organized, disciplined, and results oriented. They approach business in a structured fashion and develop and support processes that help employees maintain high standards. Top employees,