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Four Secrets Every (Sales) Executive Needs to Know

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 21, 2015

The  interesting  thing  about  management  is  that  the  role  is  commonly  misunderstood. Stop  and  think  about  what  usually  gets  someone  promoted  to  a  management  position.  Typically, it’s  the   results he  or  she created  in  a  previous  position.  In  other  words,  people  move  up  the corporate food chain based on knowledge, skill, or, most commonly, performance.

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Poor Hiring: The Impact on Sales Team Morale

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 31, 2015

Making the wrong sales hiring decision has an enormous negative impact on a business’ finances. Often overlooked, but closely related, is the larger impact it has on a sales team’s morale. The cost of a bad hire SAP recently rounded up a series of statistics on the impact of a bad hire. Citing research from Mindflash

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Want to Succeed as a Sales Executive? Good Luck.

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 9, 2015

“Good luck!” Who doesn’t love to hear those words? Typically, they are words of encouragement. Joyful, even enthusiastic. Designed to leave someone with pleasant feelings about the future. They are NOT, however, designed to be the two words that describe the sum total of a company’s training program. Really. Back when I started as a

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Win an Unfair Game: Making Smart Sales Hires on a Budget

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 6, 2015

Hiring an exceptional sales team is not only difficult, but also extremely expensive. And while an investment in successful salespeople will deliver massive returns, the fact remains that a sales hiring budget requires large amounts of starting capital. After all, truly exceptional salespeople expect—and receive—exceptional salaries. Unfortunately, many companies looking for great salespeople simply can’t

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How to Write an Effective Sales Engineer Job Description

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 3, 2015

The sales engineer plays a vital role on a sales team. Not only do they help interpret a customer’s technical requirements and communicate product features, but they are also given a level of trust that is often not offered to salespeople and consequently, the sales engineer is in a unique position to promote a vendor’s