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Build a Sales Team vs. Outsource the Sales Function – Which is Right for You?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 13, 2014

We continue to get a fair number of companies asking for our perspective on outsourcing the sales function and whether we are talking about independent reps or outsourced call centers, our answer remains the same and it is based upon experience. It make sense if: Your product is well known – If the market knows

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Words We Would Rather Not See on Sales Resumes

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 8, 2014

For a lot of people hoping to land a new sales job, it is a priority to create a resume that is search engine friendly. Unfortunately, this often leads to resumes that are less succinct and are jammed with keywords which distract from the accomplishments and abilities of a salesperson. To those of us that

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Keys to Getting Sales Hiring Right – from Miller Heiman

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 23, 2013

This year, sales training company Miller Heiman, published Best Practices in Sales Management: A Resource Guide for Sales Managers. In the guide, Miller Heiman shares its three keys to getting sales hiring right and looks at common missteps in sales hiring, long-term impact on sales, qualities of top sales people and revealing interview questions. All

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Does Persistence Equal Sales Success?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 18, 2013

This morning, I read an interesting post by SalesDrive on persistent candidates in which the article makes the following observation: Hiring managers occasionally encounter sales candidates who are especially persistent . . . calling or emailing them frequently to get an update on their status. Of course, persistence is a very important trait for success

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Sales Hiring Statistics – De Paul Center for Sales Leadership

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 11, 2013

The De Paul Center for Sales Leadership is one of the leading sales learning institutions in the country. Every few years the University publishes the Sales Effectiveness survey which observes the sales practices and results of over 435 organizations across 10 business sectors.  Some useful insight is shared in this report: Age profile – % by