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How to Offer Competitive Sales Compensation When Recruiting Across Different Sectors

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 15, 2013

When trying to attract top sales talent to your company, offering competitive compensation is critical. This usually means offering an achievable total compensation which is at or above what other competing employers are prepared to offer the sales professional(s) you are seeking to hire. The definition of competitive compensation gets a little blurry when hiring

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Sales Recruiting Humor

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 13, 2013

I heard this joke a couple of days ago and thought it was worth passing along: HR Rep: Here is a stack of resumes for your open sales position. Hiring Manager: Can you please show me the good resumes. HR Rep: Here you go. [hands over a dozen resumes] Hiring Manager:  [Takes the resumes and throws six

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Inside Sales vs. Selling On the Phone

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 8, 2013

Ask different sales managers what inside sales means and you will get different answers. One popular definition is that inside sales is a role where the sales person receives inbound leads and attempts to close them or qualifies them and then if required makes an introduction to a more senior sales rep. Another common view is

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How to Compensate for Windfall Sales

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 4, 2013

Many sales organizations will periodically experience a windfall sale. In some cases the win fell into the lap of one of the sales reps and in other cases, the sales person played their cards right, the stars aligned and the big sale occurred. Back in my earlier days as a sales manager, I had a

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Three Big Mistakes Companies Make in On-Boarding New Sales Reps

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 28, 2013

There are many reasons a new sales rep will fail to live up to an employer’s hopes and expectations – lacking the right skills and DNA, poor management, lack of support…to name a few – but perhaps the most critical mistake a company can make is failing to properly on-board the new rep. Much time