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Kick-a$$ Recruiting Strategy – Cheat Sheet VP of Sales

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 22, 2013

In the weeks to come we are going to address the various questions that a VP of Sales or CEO are faced with as they are looking at developing a kick-a$$, bullet-proof sales recruiting strategy and process.  These strategies will apply whether you are a VP Sales/CEO of a enterprise or a small company. The topics

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The Importance of Reference Checks in Sales Hiring

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 22, 2013

Never underestimate what you can learn from checking the references of someone you are thinking about hiring and never get so enamoured by a prospective hire that you don’t bother to make reference checks part of your hiring process. Here are some of the most insightful things we have learned from years of checking sales

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5 Things the CFO Needs to Know About Sales Compensation Plans

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 19, 2013

Removed from the sales effort in the trenches, the CFO is not always in a great position to understand the impact of the sales compensation plan on the behavior of the sales force. Since it is the CFO’s role to help the company to be successful from a business and financial perspective, it follows that

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Gamify your Sales Effort

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 17, 2013

Nothing in life is as much fun as having fun and that is why its always great to try and turn work into a game. Sales competitions are powerful motivators because they bring out the competitive spirit in sales people and encourage sales team members to have fun while they are working hard. Put some fun

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Hiring Sales People the Right Way – Interview with Dana Lewis, HR Manager at Tomlinson Group

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 13, 2012

Dana Lewis is the Director of Human Resources at the Tomlinson Group of companies and has almost 20 years of experience as an HR professional, hiring top talent and building high performance teams. We recently had a chance to speak to her about hiring sales people. Peak: How has hiring sales people changed over your career? Dana: In the