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Sales Management in the New Normal

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 8, 2011

The world of sales is changing. There is simply no denying it. Hyper connectivity, social networks and online feedback loops have moved sales from a world of stability to a world of chaos. Consequently, resilience, stamina and adaptability are the critical traits required to thrive in a sales leadership position today. As Nancy Martini of

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Top 3 Reasons to Have Structure in Your Sales Hiring Process

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 30, 2011

Many companies have a undisciplined approach to sales hiring: the approach changes depending on the urgency of the hire, the availability of candidates and the mood of the hiring team. It is no surprise that no more 50% of sales people meet targets in most sectors. Look around and you will see a direct correlation

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Beware of the Sales Compensation Surveys

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 2, 2011

From time to time you will be in a salary negotiation with a sales candidate when they pull out a salary survey as evidence they are worth the compensation they are asking for. So how much weight do you place on salary surveys? The answer depends on a few factors: Was the survey conducted in

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Hire the Best (Requires 30 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 24, 2011

Picture this competitive scenario. Your company is in a dog fight with two other companies to win an important piece of business. One of your competitors is a large, well-known market leader and the other always offers aggressive price discounts, while your company has the superior product. Who will win the business? The answer is

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3 Ways to Make Your Sales Reps Happy and Why That Matters

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 12, 2011

Recruiting great sales talent is a critical part building high performance sales teams, but not the only part. Great sales people don’t just happen on their own. They need to be led, developed and set up to succeed. In the book, “First, Break All The Rules ‘What The World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently”, authors, Marcus