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Sales Quarter End – 12 Point Checklist to Hitting the Number

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 17, 2009

I love quarter end. Having spent many years selling myself, I remember the rush of the countdown and closing everything you can to hit your quota and get into accelerated commissions. I also enjoyed the competition amongst all the reps hustling hard and getting super creative to not only hit their own numbers, but to

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Employment Contracts with Sales People – Critical Elements

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 11, 2009

In turbulent times, we are going to see higher turnover and layoffs – even in sales. A big issue for departing sales employees is entitlements to commissions. We often see employment contracts that poorly define the conditions related to treatment of commissions after an employee departs (typically referred to as “trailing commissions”). For example, when

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Top 10 Dumb Lies Sales Reps Tell Managers

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 11, 2009

Geoffrey James at BNET/Sales Machine and I had an ongoing conversation about his top 10 lists of lies people tell and we came up with a new list of the “Top 10 Dumb Lies Sales Reps Tell Managers” – some of them funny and some cliché. If you have worked as a rep and managed

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CRM Stats

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 10, 2009

Wikipedia (of all places) has some interesting stats on CRM market share… @ end of 2007 in terms of Revenue – SAP (25% market share) is first followed by Oracle (15.3%) and (8.3%), but in terms of growth Microsoft (88%) is leading followed by (49%). Hard to see Salesforce slowing down with its

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Miller Heiman Releases 2009 Sales Best Practices Study

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 26, 2009

Last week I attended the executive briefing from Miller Heiman which just released its Sales Best Practices Study for 2009. We covered the 2008 Sales Best Practices Study here. This year 3,900+ sales professionals participated in the research. Some highlights from 2009: “Successful sales organizations do not do one or two things well; they maintain