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4 Interview Process Steps for Hiring Top Performers

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - November 30, 2023

Hiring the wrong person for your sales team can be a costly mistake. Not only will onboarding cost thousands of dollars, but your overall revenue will take a hit if the candidate is not performing. In this article, we’re bringing you our proven interview process to make your recruitment efforts more effective and accurate. We

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3 Steps to Boost Team Morale Today

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - November 22, 2023

Improving team morale is playing the long game in sales. High team morale can improve employee retention, lead to more deals closed, and impact customer satisfaction. Whether your team morale is struggling or you’re looking to protect your team morale proactively — these three steps will give you the boost you need.  Step 1: Ensure

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Look for These 10 Traits of Top Performers in Your Next Interview

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - November 22, 2023

Salespeople are masters at telling people what they want to hear. That doesn’t mean they’re always lying, but it does mean they can be misleading in interviews. Psychometric assessments can cut through the illusion, provide a clear picture of a candidate’s strengths and most prominent personality traits, and make top performers easy to spot. When reviewing candidate

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Try These 7 Strategies to Increase Your Sales Team Motivation

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - November 20, 2023

#1 Become an Outstanding Leader  Set the tone for your team by taking deliberate action that improves your leadership skills and supports your team’s goals. A sense of ‘togetherness’ is motivating for sales teams.  #2 Invest in Technology for Your Team When sales representatives feel well-equipped and even better equipped than some of their peers

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Values Hiring: How to Find Alignment That Accelerates Sales

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - November 14, 2023

Every sales team operates on a set of core values — whether written, spoken, or simply implied by the company’s culture. Getting intentional with your internal values can help you make aligned hires who find it simple and satisfying to contribute to your broader goals. Step 1: Identify Your Company’s Values We recommend narrowing your