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Top 10 Leadership Podcasts To Listen To In 2022

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - January 13, 2022

Salespeople are masters at telling people what they want to hear. That doesn’t mean they’re always lying, but it does mean they can be misleading in interviews. Psychometric assessments can cut through the illusion, provide a clear picture of a candidate’s strengths and most prominent personality traits, and make top performers easy to spot. When

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Account Executive Salaries by Industry in 2022

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - January 1, 2022

Account executives can easily be considered the foundational layer of a corporation’s entire sales operation. Responsible for driving sales, managing customer relationships and maintaining knowledge of company products and services, account executives often serve as the face of the company and drive much of the company’s top line revenues. In addition to retaining updated information

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by Ryan Thornton | Published on - December 3, 2021

You’ve either received a job offer or you’re expecting one. How you approach and conduct the salary negotiation are vitally important. Not only will they determine what you’re paid, but they’re also a demonstration of your sales skills to the potential employer. Rather not negotiate your salary? Consider the data: it demonstrates that failing to

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Placing Top Sales People For One “Big Three” Management Consultancies

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - September 15, 2021

The private equity space is booming. Investors are awash in cash and looking for takeover candidates. In the first six months of 2021, global mergers and acquisitions hit $3.6 trillion, passing the $3.59 trillion total for all of 2020. But what happens when a firm that specializes in private equity is itself acquired? For Sutton

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by Ryan Thornton | Published on - March 1, 2021

How to recruit candidates who can sell services. Your company sells a service to other businesses and you need a strong salesperson. So you turn to the usual source: Job boards. No doubt, you’ll get plenty of candidates. Unfortunately, most of them will be people whose experience is in selling products. In our experience, many