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Identifying Sales Hunter DNA: 5 Interviewing Secrets

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 10, 2016

Interviewing salespeople is one of the most difficult tasks a hiring manager must undertake. Unlike many other business professionals, salespeople are geared to ‘sell’; and that includes themselves. Since salespeople are not only trained to focus on the positives, but psychologically tuned to gain trust and demonstrate competence in professional and social situations, interviewers, especially

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The Anatomy of a Terrible Sales Resume

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 24, 2016

The sales resume is often the first contact a hiring manager will have with the person who could become the next best performer on his or her sales team. However, with managers stating that one in five hires are “bad” or “regrettable”, the reality is that most have trouble distinguishing a bad salesperson from a good

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How to Hire the Best Salespeople – 7 Advanced Secrets

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 19, 2014

It will probably come as no surprise to sales managers, VPs of sales and business owners that a recent survey shows sales positions are the hardest positions to fill (see below – CareerBuilder Releases List of Hardest-to-Fill Positions). Yet, your sales force is your organization’s lifeblood. No matter how cutting edge your product or how on-point

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How to Interview and Spot the Traits of Top Salespeople

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 10, 2014

You may have hired a lot of B2B salespeople in the past, and probably some of them looked great on paper, but turned in lackluster performances. How can you skew the odds for hiring a sales superstar in your favor? Many hiring managers look at the resume, but the key to hiring well is to

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How to Read a Sales Resume – 11 Secrets for Sales Hiring Managers

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 22, 2014

Salespeople sell. Sometimes they sell themselves best of all. Resumes are not the only way to measure the value of a salesperson and arguably not even the best way. However, given the volume of resumes recruiters typically receive for a posted sales job, recruiters and HR departments need to understand how to read between the