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The Value of Shadowing When On-Boarding New Sales Hires

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 25, 2013

Effectively on-boarding new sales hires is one of the most important steps an employer can take to achieve a high return on the investment made to find that person. A simple yet very powerful way to do this is to have new hires shadow one of your most successful sales reps. Over the years, I

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Three Big Mistakes Companies Make in On-Boarding New Sales Reps

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 28, 2013

There are many reasons a new sales rep will fail to live up to an employer’s hopes and expectations – lacking the right skills and DNA, poor management, lack of support…to name a few – but perhaps the most critical mistake a company can make is failing to properly on-board the new rep. Much time

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The First Week With Your New Sales Hire

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 17, 2013

Week One – Orientation and Training  Setting The Stage For Success As a sales manager you want your new sales rep to be out in the field producing as soon as possible. At the same time, you don’t want them to burn through leads simply because they don’t have a clear understanding of their product

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The First Week With Your New Sales Hire

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 17, 2013

Week One – Orientation and Training  Setting The Stage For Success As a sales manager you want your new sales rep to be out in the field producing as soon as possible. At the same time, you don’t want them to burn through leads simply because they don’t have a clear understanding of their product

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Sales On-Boarding in Small and Medium Sized Companies

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 5, 2013

How do you bring your new hires onboard your business? Leading corporations often have an orientation and indoctrination program that matches the multi-stage recruiting process they implement to ensure they get the people they believe are best suited for the roles they will fill within the company and the best fit for the company culture.