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5 Challenger Sales Model Examples — An In Depth Guide

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 24, 2023

The Challenger Sales Model suggests that not all customers are created equal and that not all sales approaches are equally effective. Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson first outlined the Challenger Sales model in their 2011 book, “The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation.” This sales model focuses on teaching, maintaining authority in sales

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Hunter vs. Farmer in Sales: Empowering Your Team for Long-Term Success

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 3, 2023

Building a highly successful sales team is about more than finding ‘closers’ who can bring in new business. There are two distinct types of sales professionals. Each type plays a vital role in sales performance and the long-term success of your company. Knowing the difference between them can help you identify who is already on

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B2B Cold Calling: 22 Tips to Elevate Your Skills in 2023

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - July 21, 2023

B2B cold calling in 2023 requires more skill and strategy than ever before. Considering that cold call conversion rates are currently hovering around 2%. But, done well, it still creates an impactful opportunity to connect with potential sales prospects in a focused way. This allows you to deliver a specific solution to their problem.  If

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How to Sell Price Increases To Overcome Inflation

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - October 14, 2022

High inflation rates have been a reality for over a year. Whether you look at food, fuel, or other costs, the price of everything is going up. Central banks are doing what they can to combat the problem. In the meantime, salespeople have a unique capability to combat inflation: selling price increases. Why Price Increases

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The 12 Best Sales Books For New Salespeople

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - July 8, 2022

As a new salesperson, you have the opportunity to thrive in one of the world’s most rewarding professions. Finding success in sales takes focus, discipline, and the right knowledge. Read one book a month for the next year, and you’ll be equipped with the critical knowledge and strategies required to succeed. Books On Sales Fundamentals