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6 Reasons Your Sales Team Compensation Plan is Failing [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 7, 2017

Your sales team compensation plan has a significant impact on attracting top performing salespeople and maximizing their performance. Creating the ultimate sales compensation plan can mean the difference between building a sales team that makes the number, or one that misses it by a mile. That’s why at Peak, we conducted a comprehensive study to

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Sales Comp Plans 101 – 5 Basic Things to Know

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 28, 2015

We are often asked about how to structure competitive sales compensation plans and how to tailor incentive programs to generate the right sales results. Here are 5 basic things to know when developing and managing a sales compensation plan: 1. Attainability First, assess the effort and risk associated with delivering the sales you need from

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2015 Sales Compensation Trends

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 23, 2015

In January, the World Bank announced cautionary good news. The organization’s Global Economic Prospects Report (GEP) predicted growth for developing countries, soft oil prices, a stronger U.S. economy, and the continuation of low interest rates globally. As experts continue to talk about economic recovery, this positive outlook for the global economy is reflected in corporate

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How to Hire a Great Sales Person on Full Commission

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 25, 2014

If you want to hire a great sales person on a full commission sales compensation plan or with a very low base, here’s the short answer on how you can: You can’t. We get literally hundreds of requests from companies each year that want to hire sales reps on full commission.  The requests often sound something

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How to Avoid Overpaying Sales Reps

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 29, 2014

sales-compensation1-e1401398784710-600×400 Company leaders and business owners are often worried about overpaying sales reps. This is  especially true for the CEO’s who didn’t ascend to their leadership position through the sales ranks and who are not overly sensitive to how sales compensation is earned. The concern is legitimate if one were to look simply at the outgoing commission