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6 Sales Compensation Secrets That Lead to Great Sales Hires

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 13, 2014

Great salespeople are comfortable dealing with money matters, but negotiating compensation is also a very personal matter, and since egos are involved it can be anĀ emotional experience. After having spent many years hiring and recruiting salespeople and negotiating sales compensation plans, I offer these tips to help you land the sales person that will contribute

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Three Reasons Sales Compensation Plans Fail

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 2, 2014

25 years of selling, managing sales teams and building high performance sales forces has taught me many lessons, not the least of which is that sales compensation plans have an enormous impact on attracting the right sales people and maximizing their performance. Yet many organizations make key mistakes in the design and management of sales

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The use of SPIFFS in sales compensation and impact on performance

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 21, 2014

Spiffs represent a method of incentivizing certain kinds of sales rep behaviors and outcomes. Also known as a Sales Performance Incentive Fund, the Spiff is a concept dating back to as early as the mid 1800s and used by manufacturers as sort of kickback program to retailers that sell higher volumes of certain product lines.

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Why Market Sales Compensation May Not Be Useful in Your Hiring Efforts

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 6, 2014

It is well known that you have to pay at, or more likely a bit above market levels in order to attract the best sales talent in the business. There are numerous surveys that indicate what sales reps are getting paid and there is always anecdotal feedback that comes to an employer either via its

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Sales Team and Compensation Trends in 2013 & 2014

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 28, 2014

The Alexander Group surveyed 100+ sales organizations with at least 20 reps and published its 12th annual sales compensation trends in 2013 and 2014 report. It is a useful report with some interesting observations (see link to full report below): 2013 sales departments experienced 6% growth in revenues (vs. 8.4% expected) median increase in sales