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VP Sales – The #1 Mis-Hire + 5 Things A Great VP Sales Does

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 20, 2018

Early stage companies are painfully “misfiring by mis-hiring” the most important role on the sales team. Don’t hire one until… In Tech, The #1 Most Common Mis-hire is the VP/Head of Sales In fact, there’s a venture capitalist saying I hate that goes something like “You’ve Got to Get Past Your First VP of Sales’ Carcass”

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The Software Sales Hiring Landscape in San Francisco

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 28, 2018

The San Francisco Bay Area has consistently been ranked number one in the United States for quality of living. It’s also widely considered to be one of the best places for young and hungry software salespeople to establish and grow their careers. As a result, it has long been a tech powerhouse that is only

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4 Reasons a Diverse Sales Team Will Boost Revenue [Video]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 3, 2017

Diversity in the workplace has been an issue since the civil war. Fast forward to 2017 and a lack of diversity in the workplace remains an issue. In fact, a recent survey by Career Builder found that only 35 percent of women feel confident that compensation is dispensed equitably between the genders. As U.S. demographics continue to change alongside a

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5 Ways Top Performing Salespeople Are Different From the Rest [Video]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 9, 2017

Great salespeople do more than just consistently drive profitable revenue for their employers. They inspire confidence in customers and partners, increase brand trust, and contribute to a positive company culture. And, these salespeople are rare, representing only 10 to 15 percent of the sales population. If you want to accurately identify these top salespeople in an interview

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Top 7 Characteristics Essential to Sales Success [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 2, 2017

Evidence of common attributes amongst top salespeople comes from many high profile studies. Spend some time with top sales talent and it will quickly become evident that they share common characteristics. Sales leaders of high performance sales teams understand that knowing these traits is critical in the hiring of their sales reps. So, what are the characteristics