by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
November 10, 2014
It is no surprise that recruiting top performing sales professionals in New York City is no easy task. Top sales people in the Big Apple do what New Yorkers do best – make money, and lots of it. To be the best of the best, requires competing and winning in arguably the most cut throat and fast-paced selling
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
October 23, 2014
Recruiting high achieving sales professionals onto your sales team is no simple task for a few simple reasons: They are rare, They are employed, not looking for a new job, and are constantly receiving offers from competing employers. Overcoming these challenges takes significant effort and commitment, but the investment is justified by the superior results that top
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
October 20, 2014
Stacking a sales team with great talent is one of the toughest jobs a sales manager will face. The constant pressure to meet immediate goals creates a natural barrier to being patient and waiting for the right person. Participating in a discussion on LinkedIn recently reminded me that many sales managers don’t believe that great sales people even
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
October 19, 2014
Dr. Christopher Croner and Richard Abraham, authors of Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again, present a cost analysis related to a bad sales hire. According to the authors, the typical cost of a rep missing target is about $120k per year – a fairly big loss for any company. What costs are involved? 1. Revenue
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
October 14, 2014
A few days back I was having a conversation with a B2B startup exec who is in the process of building out a sales team. The company provides a tech solution to a niche market and the primary trait the company is using to filter potential sales candidates is experience selling technology to the market being targeted –