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13 Mistakes That Prevent Employers From Attracting Top Sales Talent

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 19, 2014

Consistently high producing salespeople are rare – they represent 5-10% of the total sales population – so leading companies pursue them aggressively and are always looking for an edge to attract better and more reliable salespeople. Top salespeople are also different from average salespeople in that they look for career opportunities differently. Since there is

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Finding the Perfect Sales Person – And Why You Shouldn’t Try

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 25, 2014

Often times employers will approach Peak with a desire to hire sales people with very specific sales experience, who in theory will leverage this experience to produce superior sales. The approach makes a sense in theory and would be a convenient way to identify superior sales people but hiring based on experience seldom works in

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How Valuable is a Book of Business in Sales?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 11, 2014

Often prospective employers will call us seeking to hire a candidate that has a “solid book of business”, or a list of former and/or current clients in which the candidate has key contacts. As the thinking goes, this will allow the rep to quickly generate considerable sales upon joining the new employer. I like the

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Keys to Getting Sales Hiring Right – from Miller Heiman

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 23, 2013

This year, sales training company Miller Heiman, published Best Practices in Sales Management: A Resource Guide for Sales Managers. In the guide, Miller Heiman shares its three keys to getting sales hiring right and looks at common missteps in sales hiring, long-term impact on sales, qualities of top sales people and revealing interview questions. All

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Sales Hiring Statistics – De Paul Center for Sales Leadership

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 11, 2013

The De Paul Center for Sales Leadership is one of the leading sales learning institutions in the country. Every few years the University publishes the Sales Effectiveness survey which observes the sales practices and results of over 435 organizations across 10 business sectors.  Some useful insight is shared in this report: Age profile – % by