by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
July 23, 2013
Peak Sales Recruiting’s founder Eliot Burdett was recently interviewed by Internet entrepreneur and Maverick 1000 CEO, Yanik Silver. During the 60 minute interview Burdett shared many aspects of sales recruiting and hiring mastery, including the traits of a an “A-player” sales achiever and why they are so hard to find, how to attract top sales
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
April 24, 2013
One of the biggest challenges faced by hiring managers and sales leaders looking to hire is how to get exposure to top sales talent. Creating more sales candidate flow won’t necessary get the right person to show up at your door, but the more people you are exposed to certainly increases the chances that you
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
April 22, 2013
In the weeks to come we are going to address the various questions that a VP of Sales or CEO are faced with as they are looking at developing a kick-a$$, bullet-proof sales recruiting strategy and process. These strategies will apply whether you are a VP Sales/CEO of a enterprise or a small company. The topics
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
February 22, 2013
Never underestimate what you can learn from checking the references of someone you are thinking about hiring and never get so enamoured by a prospective hire that you don’t bother to make reference checks part of your hiring process. Here are some of the most insightful things we have learned from years of checking sales
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
December 13, 2012
Dana Lewis is the Director of Human Resources at the Tomlinson Group of companies and has almost 20 years of experience as an HR professional, hiring top talent and building high performance teams. We recently had a chance to speak to her about hiring sales people. Peak: How has hiring sales people changed over your career? Dana: In the