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Five Ways to Be a Team Player on Your Sales Team

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 25, 2016

Most people might not immediately associate the terms “team player” and “salesperson.” Salespeople are often stereotyped as lone wolves who only look out for themselves. But that isn’t the case at all – being a top performing salesperson means being a team player. Why? According to the CEO of Sandler Training, David Mattson, sales teams that

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Six Reasons Not to Promote your Top Reps to Sales Management

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 5, 2016

In many companies it is commonplace to promote successful reps into sales management roles. To be fair, it is instinctive to reward your most successful and reliable reps with a promotion – who better to take on more responsibility in the sales organization than someone who understands how to sell a lot? Research shows, however, that

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Common Denominators of Top Sales Organizations

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 16, 2016

If you had the opportunity to survey a wide range of top sales organizations and the top performers that support their winning sales teams, you’d find some steady trends. Top organizations are organized, disciplined, and results oriented. They approach business in a structured fashion and develop and support processes that help employees maintain high standards. Top employees,

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60 Sales Team Names: A Comprehensive List

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 7, 2016

While it’s easy to dismiss sales team names as a nonessential element of team membership, the fact remains that a relevant and unified sales team name creates alignment and helps foster a sense of unity within a group dynamic. Ultimately, the sense of belonging that comes from being in a group is a powerful component

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The 25 Sales Books Every New Sales VP Needs to Read

by Ryan Thornton | Published on - June 15, 2016

The new VP Sales has the opportunity and responsibility to achieve aggressive growth targets, and make a deep impact on company-wide culture. That’s why we’ve hand-picked these 25 sales books (in no particular order) from the best in the field and organized them into the 5 key responsibilities of the new sales executive: Lead a