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What Priority Should Sales Recruiting Be for a Sales Manager?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 20, 2014

Stacking a sales team with great talent is one of the toughest jobs a sales manager will face. The constant pressure to meet immediate goals creates a natural barrier to being patient and waiting for the right person. Participating in a discussion on LinkedIn recently reminded me that many sales managers don’t believe that great sales people even

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Book Review: Nonstop Sales Boom

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 6, 2014

There is a lot to like in the latest book we are reviewing, Nonstop Sales Boom, by Colleen Francis. First of all, this is not simply a sales book. This is a book about avoiding the boom-bust cycles that are a major stress on many businesses and creating systems that will drive consistent business growth

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Could One of These 2015 Sales Conferences be a Game-Changer?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 22, 2014

Let’s be honest. Not all sales conferences are created equal. You probably don’t even remember the worst conferences you ever attended. After all, they were far from memorable, but suffice it to say you ducked out as soon as possible, feeling like you would never get that time back. With so many conferences to choose from, and

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The Problem with the 80/20 Rule for Sales Managers

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 15, 2014

Many sales managers accept the 80-20 rule – that 20% of their reps make 80% of the sales – which I suppose is acceptable if the sales manager is consistently meeting targets, but it certainly is not a recipe for superior results. There are many downsides to allowing under-performers to exist on your sales team. Sales leaders

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Book Review – Hire Right, Higher Profits: The Executive’s Guide to Building a World-Class Sales Force

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 5, 2014

Recruiting high performance sales people is something that very few companies do well and there are a limited number of books on how to attract and hire great sales people (including ours – Sales Recruiting 2.0 – How to Find Top Performing Sales People, Fast), so we are always keen to review what others have to say on