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5 Ways to Reduce Sales Rep Turnover

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 10, 2014

Building strong, stable and reliable sales teams is critical to sales performance, certainly in the long term. Sales rep turnover affects sales production, team morale, customer loyalty and ultimately, the bottom line, so it is incumbent on executive leadership to reduce or avoid unwanted turnover in the sales force. Here are 5 ways to reduce

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Language Used by Leading Sales Teams

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 25, 2014

Recently I wrapped up a consulting assignment for the VP of one the country’s leading enterprise software companies. During that time, I was around the elite level sales people on his team and I got to thinking about the differences between sales forces that consistently perform at a high level and those that are consistently

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How to Make Sure Your Sales Reps Stay Balanced

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 7, 2014

Sales rep burnout is a possibility on any sales team and this is especially true if you are driving hard towards big sales goals. If your reps become exhausted, they will lose interest in their work, stop producing and/or leave your team, which will have an impact on the overall sales numbers. Over the years, I

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Great Sales Management vs. Bad Sales Management / Micromanagement

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 27, 2014

Many sales managers, particularly new sales managers, have trouble striking the right balance between managing reps and letting them do their jobs. Too often there is micromanagement and not enough of the right kind of management. Poor Sales Management and Micromanagement  Early in my own career as a sales manager, I would spend a lot

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Colin Powell on Leadership and Recruiting Great People

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 19, 2014

Recently I finished reading the best selling book,  The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell, which is a great book on a great leader and statesman who served under Presidents Bush Sr, Clinton and GW Bush. Many of us admire his direct, calm, logical and non nonsense approach to leadership. The Powell Doctrine  represents a well