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Gain access to key sellers in your industry.

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 14, 2013

It is no accident that many successful sales force’s are highly ethical. When customers are treated the right way and their best interests are made a priority, they reward their suppliers with more business. Immoral and dishonest sales people don’t achieve long term success (and they certainly don’t sleep well at night), but getting your

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Do Looks and Appearances Matter in Sales?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 9, 2013

In a perfect world, appearances don’t have an impact on business, but in the real world, unfortunately, looks seem to matter. Studies have shown that people considered to be attractive earn more money and generate higher sales results. The studies aren’t necessarily conclusive, but I know this from being in sales for many years: buyers

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My New Sales Hire Won’t Make Cold Calls

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 30, 2013

We hear this story a lot. I recently hired a new sales person. During the interview process they seemed like a great hunter. They pursued me during the hiring process and actively closed me during our final interview. Now that the rep is on-board, it seems they won’t pick up the phone to save their

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10 Steps to Building a Terrible Sales Team

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 27, 2013

There are countless articles on how to build a high performance sales team (including ours: How To Create A High-Performance Sales Culture), so we decided to take a lighthearted look at how not to build a sales team. Only look for talent when you need to hire – If a hiring manager looks for talent

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How To Create A High-Performance Sales Culture

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 7, 2013

We are big believers that creating a winning culture is absolutely essential for any type of success from sports to raising children and it is particularly important in terms of driving superior sales results (see our previous posts: Building a Culture of Success in Your Sales Team and Why Culture Matters in Sales Hiring). Sales