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Interview Tactics that Make or Break Your Sales Hiring and Sales Results

Interviewing sales people is just like interviewing candidates for any other position in your company. Right? Wrong. Sales professionals are wired to project a positive image since that is how they succeed – it is a key part of the profession that they chose. They are interviewed everyday by potential customers, and the good ones,

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Interviewing Sales People: It’s Not About Making Friends

Image via Ambro / Sales people are naturally engaging (at least the good ones are), so interviews with sales people are usually cordial and friendly. If the candidate being interviewed is currently working (and the good ones usually are), then the interviewer is likely to bend over backwards to make a good impression, which

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Yanik Silver Interviews Peak Sales Recruiting’s Eliot Burdett

Peak Sales Recruiting’s founder Eliot Burdett was recently interviewed by Internet entrepreneur and Maverick 1000 CEO, Yanik Silver. During the 60 minute interview Burdett shared many aspects of sales recruiting and hiring mastery, including the traits of a an “A-player” sales achiever and why they are so hard to find, how to attract top sales

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What Is Your Weakest Attribute? And Other Crazy Sales Interview Questions

We were recently putting together the interview script for a sales hiring project we are working on and I was thinking about some of the nutty questions that have been popular over the years. “What would you say was your weakest attribute?” This is not an uncommon interview question and I can remember asking this

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Hiring Sales People the Right Way – Interview with Dana Lewis, HR Manager at Tomlinson Group

Dana Lewis is the Director of Human Resources at the Tomlinson Group of companies and has almost 20 years of experience as an HR professional, hiring top talent and building high performance teams. We recently had a chance to speak to her about hiring sales people. Peak: How has hiring sales people changed over your career? Dana: In the

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Mobile Computing Powers Successful Sales Teams – Interview with’s Rob Woodbridge

Photo courtesy of Ottawa Business Journal These days it is tough to talk about sales excellence without talking about the mobile computing technologies that are helping sales teams be successful. We recently caught up with tech entrepreneur, mobile industry expert, UNTETHER.TV host and author, Rob Woodbridge, to talk about the latest mobile technologies and how

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Transforming Dysfunctional Sales Teams;Interview with Colleen Francis

Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. She has over 20 years of sales and management experience, and puts these skills to use by helping clients realize immediate results, achieve lasting success and permanently raise their bottom line. We sat down with her recently to talk about how to turn