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The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made at the Offer Stage

According to the Boston Consulting Group, of every HR practice, recruitment processes have the most significant impact on revenue. Companies that effectively recruit the best candidates exhibit 3.5x the revenue growth of competitors that poorly manage their recruitment efforts. This article will break down the biggest mistakes hiring managers make at the offer stage –

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Six Reasons Not to Promote your Top Reps to Sales Management

In many companies it is commonplace to promote successful reps into sales management roles. To be fair, it is instinctive to reward your most successful and reliable reps with a promotion – who better to take on more responsibility in the sales organization than someone who understands how to sell a lot? Research shows, however, that

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15 Top Cities To Advance Your Sales Career in 2017

As a salesperson looking to advance your sales career, you want to benefit from a strong sales territory, high compensation, long-term growth potential, and a thriving local economy. However, without a clear roadmap, it’s challenging to discern which cities can give you the ideal environment to capitalize on your skills and experiences. Based on Glassdoor’s Top

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Didn’t Get the Sales Job? Here Are 10 Reasons Why

In today’s hyper-competitive sales hiring landscape, the interview process can quickly become a daunting and drawn out process. Candidates are required to complete multiple interviews, behavioral assessments, and  psychometric testing. While it’s frustrating when you don’t get the sales job, understanding why you didn’t is your path to future success. Key Takeaways? Know your numbers, come prepared, and

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What’s In a Name? Job Titles and Your Sales Career

In a world where labels reign supreme, how important is your job title? We explain the surprising and sometimes unexpected effects job title can have on your work performance, job satisfaction, and career trajectory. When it comes to job titles and their impact on salespeople, there are two general schools of thought Sales VP’s, Sales