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5 Steps to Getting a Higher Base Salary for Your New Sales Job [Infographic]

You aced the interview and got the offer of employment. Now comes the part 59% of candidates dread and 20% of candidates completely avoid – negotiating your starting base salary with your prospective employer. It can be agreed that everyone wants a higher base salary, but, how many have the knowledge and skills to make that happen? According to

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Six Seconds to Hired: How to Maximize Your Sales Resume to Get the Job

It takes a mere 6 seconds for a recruiter to decide if you are qualified for a job or not. This article explains the top six ways you can get your sales resume to the “yes” pile. It includes how to properly exhibit your sales numbers; how to make accolades an asset; the importance of getting specific about

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10 Reference Check Questions You Need to Ask for Sales Leader Roles

Reference checks are an important way to validate the traits and performance abilities of a sales candidate. With over 50% of resumes containing false information and many candidates bending the truth in interviews, conducting background checks is a critical step in the sales hiring process. So, what questions can hiring managers ask and what strategies

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4 Reasons Top Salespeople Aren’t in Your Recruitment Process

To mitigate the risk of losing your best sales candidates, stop treating passive candidates as active job seekers, start valuing the candidate, maintain a strong corporate reputation, and offer market leading compensation packages. Every organization that is committed to achieving aggressive growth targets requires talent that consistently achieves their sales targets and drive profitable revenue.

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The 10 Things HR Leaders Need From The VP of Sales

To enhance the ability of HR to find qualified, proven sales talent, sales leaders need to provide deep insight into the sales organization including: team performance, culture, hiring timelines and ideal profiles, compensation plans, and individual development plans.  In the most successful organizations, human resource and sales leaders partner to drive their company forward. They

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The Career You Never Thought of: B2B Sales and Millennials

A breakdown of the B2B sales career: why it’s lucrative, what makes stand out salespeople, and the assets required to excel. This article will break down exactly what B2B sales looks like today and explain why it’s a mistake to pass over a sales career as a lucrative profession for a generation that cares more about lifestyle and

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Millennials’ Perception of a B2B Sales Career [Infographic]

The Millennial generation will soon make up the vast majority of the workforce and in order to remain competitive in the marketplace, employers need to implement recruiting strategies that are designed to attract and retain Generation Y employees. To better our understanding of the needs and wants of Millennials in the B2B sales workspace, we conducted

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How to Recruit Your Competitor’s Top Sales Talent

Appeal to these salespeople’s insatiable drive to advance their career, differentiate your company, and embrace the domino effect.   Your competitor’s top salespeople are grounded in industry knowledge, know the pain points your prospects have and what decision makers to target, and have a proven themselves to be successful in selling environments similar to yours.

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The 6 Elements of an Effective Sales Onboarding Program

Implementing a ‘pre-hire program’, being consistent, establishing a mentoring program, defining success, and creating a sales playbook reduces ramp time and sets new hires up for continued success. No matter the size of an organization, hiring the right people and developing them so that they can achieve their true potential are arguably the most critical