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Hiring Salespeople: A Core Process You Must Perfect

If you haven’t built a team of highly qualified and skilled sales professionals, don’t waste your time and money investing in sales processes, training, compensation plans, technology, marketing support, or strong products and services. Depending on the industry, somewhere between 20 and 33 percent of salespeople aren’t capable of being successful at their jobs. It’s

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Hiring Solution Salespeople in an Evolving Sales Landscape

One of the biggest shifts in selling approaches occurred in the mid-1980s when Mike Bosworth, formerly of Xerox Computer Services, popularized “Solution Sales.” Bosworth championed the idea of selling “expert to non-expert”, in which salespeople proactively uncover a customer’s business requirements and position offerings as a ‘solution’ to these business needs rather than simply waiting for purchase requests.

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B2C vs. B2B Sales Recruiting: Establishing the Differences

When we launched Peak Sales Recruiting many years ago, we looked at the market and recognized the under served need for companies to recruit high achieving sales people. While it was overly common at the time for recruiting companies to specialize their services outside of a geographical region, we saw an even more acute need

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Is the Extrovert Always Right for Sales?

It’s interesting to note that a paper in the American Psychological Association titled “Introverts and Extroverts” published in 1924 ends with a question about whether introverts and extroverts belong to personality types at all. The paper provides definitions of both terms – an introvert being “an individual in whom exists an exaggeration of the thought

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The Top 10 Factors for a Successful Sales Recruiting Project

Recruiting high achieving sales professionals onto your sales team is no simple task for a few simple reasons: They are rare, They are employed, not looking for a new job, and are constantly receiving offers from competing employers. Overcoming these challenges takes significant effort and commitment, but the investment is justified by the superior results that top

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Does Your Company’s Online Reputation Matter When Sales Recruiting?

As we have written about before, top performing B2B sales people want to work for industry leading and highly reputed companies which their chances of success are greatest. Since there is excess demand for the services of top sales people, why wouldn’t they be selective in who they work for? In an Internet dominated world, a key question

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Need-to-Haves That You Don’t Need When Hiring Salespeople

Prospective clients often come to us with a typical problem: many of the salespeople they hired seemed great during the interview process, but under-performed once they were hired. When a new sales hire doesn’t work out, the loss is huge. Poor-performing salespeople can cost thousands in lost opportunities and revenue, and worse yet—damage a company’s reputation