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3 Reasons Not to Trust Your Gut When Hiring Sales People

Many sales managers and recruiters are proud to say that they trust their gut instincts when making hires, but with the number of sales people hitting quota hovering around 58% (CSO Insights), it is worth questioning whether the “gut” helps that much in selecting great sales hires. Ultimately the hiring manager has to live with a

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How to Hire the Best Salespeople – 7 Advanced Secrets

It will probably come as no surprise to sales managers, VPs of sales and business owners that a recent survey shows sales positions are the hardest positions to fill (see below – CareerBuilder Releases List of Hardest-to-Fill Positions). Yet, your sales force is your organization’s lifeblood. No matter how cutting edge your product or how on-point

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5 Secrets for Hiring Sales Managers Who Are “Master Motivators”

Sales Managers are supposed to be kingmakers—their job is to inspire and guide sales superstars towards glory – and effective sales managers unlock the potential of their sales team, especially when rewards and retribution alone aren’t driving sales results. They boost their team’s confidence during sales slumps and rally them to work together in the pursuit

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How to Read a Sales Resume – 11 Secrets for Sales Hiring Managers

Salespeople sell. Sometimes they sell themselves best of all. Resumes are not the only way to measure the value of a salesperson and arguably not even the best way. However, given the volume of resumes recruiters typically receive for a posted sales job, recruiters and HR departments need to understand how to read between the

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The Most Controversial Sales Management Strategies and Tactics

 Over the years I have been exposed to many sales management theories and strategies, some of them conventional and some of them less so. I have also seen many unconventional ideas evolve into mainstream practices as the times change, with varying degrees of success. Ultimately, challenging conventional wisdom is a smart move, if it results

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13 Mistakes That Prevent Employers From Attracting Top Sales Talent

Consistently high producing salespeople are rare – they represent 5-10% of the total sales population – so leading companies pursue them aggressively and are always looking for an edge to attract better and more reliable salespeople. Top salespeople are also different from average salespeople in that they look for career opportunities differently. Since there is