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6 Key Ways to Excel at Sales Recruiting and Hiring

The percentage of sales reps at quota on many sales teams implies a serious struggle with sales hiring efficiency. According to the 2013 CSO Insights Report entitled “Optimizing Hiring Effectiveness, Getting the Right Players on the Field”, the average percentage of reps making quota was 62%. When the participants in the study were asked to rate their

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Sales Recruiting Humor

I heard this joke a couple of days ago and thought it was worth passing along: HR Rep: Here is a stack of resumes for your open sales position. Hiring Manager: Can you please show me the good resumes. HR Rep: Here you go. [hands over a dozen resumes] Hiring Manager:  [Takes the resumes and throws six

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Are you wasting your time with reference checks on sales hires?

Reference Checks Reference checks are one of the most critical ways to validate the traits and performance abilities of a potential sales hire (see The Importance of Reference Checks in Sales Hiring). Unfortunately many companies make up their mind to hire someone and then perform only cursory reference checks or, surprisingly often, none at all.