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80% of companies don’t measure ROI on sales training – Dave Stein

Selling Power Interview with Dave Stein discussing approaches to sales training. His company, ES Research, helps sales management and corporate training organizations evaluate, select and implement sales training and productivity improvement programs. Some interesting notes from the interview: US companies spend $4B per year on sales training only 20% of companies measure the effectiveness of

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Stop Hiring Poor-Performing Salespeople – guest post – Brian Jeffrey

  Our friend Brian Jeffrey, President of Salesforce Assessments, recently sent out this articles on hiring superior sales people and we thought you would be interested in reading it as well. ================ Nobody deliberately sets out to hire salespeople who can’t or won’t perform. But it happens, and it happens more than you might expect.

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Is Your Team Equipped to Handle the Top Ten Lies Customers Tell Sales

Geoffrey James at BNET continues his series of top ten lies in sales. This week, he posted the Top Ten Lies Customers Tell Sales: LIE #10: “We don’t have the budget.” LIE #9: “I promise to read your brochure.” LIE #8: “I am the sole decision-maker.” LIE #7: “Your competition is much cheaper.” LIE #6: