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How to Hire Hunters

Our clients rely on us to find all sorts of sales professionals from sales support to reps and managers, to executives and sales VP’s, and a significant portion of the positions we work on are the hard to find top producing and reliable hunters. Reps who are able to develop territories will make or break

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No Fear of Rejection = Less Rejection and More Success

Most people don’t like to hear other people say “no,” but in sales it happens all the time. Does the ability to handle rejection have a direct relationship to sales performance? Absolutely! Insensitivity to rejection is one of the most critical attributes of highly successful sales reps. To continue reading this post, click here >>

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Sales and Marketing Alignment / Lead Management Programs

The age old rivalry between marketing and sales is never more contested than in the context of leads. We have all seen it. Marketing complains that sales can’t convert quality leads and sales complains that marketing provides poor quality leads. In an ever more internet-connected world, companies feel compelled to spend an increasing amount of