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Hiring Start-Up Sales Reps

Sales people always face objections. Selling for a start up means facing objections and a tremendous amount of resistance. The customer is unfamiliar with the business and has no reason to trust you. You have few (if any) references, no proven merchandise, reputation, or extended track record. The product is usually more expensive and buyers

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Is Your Company Ready to Attract Top Sales Performers? Quick Test

Have you ever gone on a date without combing your hair, taking a shower or wearing clean clothes? You probably wouldn’t expect to be asked on a second date, yet many companies court sales hires as if appearances don’t matter. Top performing sales people are very picky about which employers they will work for, because

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Not All Sales Tests are the Same (Requires 30 seconds to read)

Candidate assessments and tests can be useful tools in the sales hiring process, but there are literally thousands of tests available for evaluating candidates and it can be confusing to know which one to use and when. Worse yet, many tests are either ill conceived and provide inaccurate assessments or are applied incorrectly and provide

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Should you be nice to sales candidates during the recruiting process?

Some interviewing guru’s believe that the best way to evaluate a person’s suitability for a high pressure sales role is to put them in stressful situations during the interview process to predict how they might react in real world sales scenarios. If you are accustomed to recruiting perennial top performers who are gainfully employed, then

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How to Hire the Right Sales Leader (Requires 60 seconds to read)

Whether you are a CEO or a executive level sales leader in your company, hiring the right sales leader for your organization can make or break your business. Get it right and they will build a strong team of achievers, increase company morale, and generate revenues profits and growth for the company. Hire the wrong

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When to Promote Your Top Sales Rep to Sales Manager (Requires 35 seconds to read)

Many moons ago, we blogged about the Six Reasons Not to Promote your Top Reps to Sales Management, and here are the top seven reasons you as the company executive or business owner *would* promote your top sales rep to a sales manager position. There is a common understanding between yourself the rep that this is