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Why Are Sales Hunters So Hard To Find? (and the Importance of the ABC’s of Recruiting)

There are literally a million different varieties of sales roles from those that handle inbound calls for information to those that manage existing relationships and those that open new accounts. The most coveted type of sales professional, what we tend to call, ‘Hunters’ pound the pavement (or the phone as the case may be), find

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Book Review: Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers

I  receive regular requests from authors to review books and the title of one recently caught my attention. The book’s title, Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers: How the Very Best Boost Sales, piqued my interest because it speaks to the world that many sales leaders find themselves in today – the real world. I

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The Difference Between Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Criteria in Hiring Sales

You’ve heard it before, when hiring a salesperson make sure you have a clear description of your sales needs and a detailed screening process. Problem is, what you know and what you do, are often two different things. Defining mandatory, versus non-mandatory hiring criteria, allows you to find the best sales fit without wasting time